Tuesday, November 25, 2014

CR Quiz - Question #3

If a corporate project contaminates a river and destroys its ecosystems, the corporation may be held responsible for its carelessness by…
a. paying damages to property owners for loss of use
b. restoring the river and its ecosystems to their previous state
c. facing criminal prosecution for infringing upon the river’s right to exist and flourish
d. paying a fine for violating state or federal regulations
            a. paying damages to property owners for loss of use
(Similar to blacks and women whose murder was considered a property loss issue for their owner before the 14th and 19th amendments, respectively, Nature does not yet have the right to exist and flourish beyond its property owners’ wishes)
            d. paying a fine for violating state or federal regulations
(This fine is tax-deductible and calculated as a cost of doing business. Smithfield Corporation violated state water permits 22,520 times within the span of a decade!)

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